“Unleash Your Edge” is Skillsoft’s new brand direction for 2020 and beyond.

Centered on brand pillars bold, sharp, driven, and real, the company’s new direction emphasized learners above all — an important distinction when the learners are not making the purchasing decisions. The primary directive for our photography selections was to choose people who you see yourself working with.

A bright color palette complements the photography, with a navy-and-creme softening the standard black-and-white. Finally, the angled Edge graphic keeps communications moving forward visually.

In addition to the explorations below, my work for Skillsoft includes Learning in a Disrupted World — a visual identity extension specifically reflecting the challenges related to the COVID-19 and diversity issues that came to the forefront throughout 2020.


One reintroduction wasn’t going to be sufficient. So I proposed three.

Skillsoft had a lot to say in the second half of 2020. In addition to reintroducing itself through a new brand lens, the company was also introducing itself to the financial community ahead of going public. And finally, the rebranding process unearthed a trove of new information about learners.

Despite being initially released together, these three topics each had different refresh cycles. I proposed we break the communications into three books that worked together as a set but could be updated on cadences appropriate for each topic.

I conceived the high-level brand introduction similar to a coffee-table book with beautiful, large visuals. The four-layer cover introduces the company’s four new brand pillars: bold, sharp, driven, and real.


Skillsoft: Learning in a Disrupted World